The Girl Next Door: Man Discovers Amanda Berry And One Other Missing Woman Were Right Next Door To Him

This is an incredible story. Man discovers several women who’d been missing for years had been held against their will by his own neighbor and helps them gain their freedom.  Give it a watch and let me know what you think.


  1. I love his interview. That is crazy. I wonder what made him think something was wrong with the house the year before. He had to see something in order for him to have that strange feeling.


    • I had thought he was saying he had no idea anything was going on the whole time and he himself had lived there for about a year, but i could be wrong.

      I watched about three different articles with this guy from that day and it was like you could tell he was getting sick of telling the story by one of the later ones I had watched. Really the only constant in any of the interviews was McDonalds and the fact that he was really confused about why there was a girl yelling in his neighbors house when he knew there wasn’t supposed to be any women staying there as far as he knew.

      And yeah, the guys interview was epic.


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